It’s Podcast day in our Blog Membership

How many times have you thought about not having enough time to study or improve your English? Loads of times, I am sure. Well, now, you don’t have any more excuses since our Blog Memberships brings you into contact with your English all the time; wherever you are and at whatever time.

Imagine reading an article, specially prepared with all the vocabulary that you really need: phrasal verbs, expressions, connectors, Spanglish avoidance, idioms and so on. We publish the article every Wednesday, and two days later on Friday, the podcast is available. This gives everyone time to get used to the new key underlined vocabulary. If you don’t make the effort to do this or read the Phrasal Verb method, you will not improve. The design is for students to incorporate English easily into their lives wherever they are, without any real effort. Does that sound good to you?

What you read in the article will appear in the podcast, therefore, not only do you practise your listening skills in English but also the pronunciation. We offer a lot of tips on how you can improve your pronunciation in English because no one is happy with their English pronunciation. As well as that, you are also learning lots of extremely useful vocabulary. Each podcast has been specially designed so that you improve and feel confident with your English. The podcasts lasts no more than 15 mins, so you can take it with you in the car, on the train or bus, walking in the park, in the gym, having lunch, having a coffee, in bed….. We encourage our students to listen to the podcast as much as possible so that they IMPROVE. It is time to get serious with your English; be in more contact with your English instead of spending 5 days a week doing nothing.

Now, I could keep on writing lots of amazing things about our Blog Membership, even about the Preposition courses that we have included, but the best way to get a feel for our Blog Membership contents is to try it yourself. If you want to really improve, use phrasal verbs like a native, practise your listening and pronunciation a lot more often and add up to 10 new phrasal verbs or expressions to your English every single week, our Blog Membership is a must for you.

We are so sure you will like it that the first month is absolutely free. Then, it is 4,95 euros a month for 6 months. After 6 months, the fixed price is 9,95 euros a month. If you don’t like it, you can cancel whenever you want, of course. No contracts, just pay as you go:

See you soon, in our Blog Membership.

18 thoughts on “It’s Podcast day in our Blog Membership

    • Hola, Carlota.
      Pues te tienes que animar más, no? ?
      Ya sabes que el primer mes es gratuita, por lo tanto, puedes disfrutar de él y luego decidir. Lo
      más bueno del blog membership es que podrías tener mucho más contacto con el inglés sin tener que hacer planes
      o cambios lo de tu día día. Podrías escuchar al podcast estés donde estés: en el coche, con el café, paseando, en
      el tren, con la comida si estás sola…. Si quieres mejorar, debes poner tu parte.
      A ver si nos vemos por el blog membership.
      Saludos ?

    • Hola, Ximo.
      El primer mes es gratis. Después, durante los primeros seis meses, cuesta 4,95 al mes (precio promoción). Después, el precio fijo es 9,95 euros al mes. Si no te gusta, puedes dejarlo/cancelarlo enseguida sin problemas. Como decimos en inglés: «pay as you go».
      Saludos 🙂

  1. Bueno, escribo un poco tarde.. jejej. Lo he probado con mi marido como os dije y nos hemos suscrito los dos. Muy interesante todo. Totalmente recomendable.

  2. Hola de nuevo,

    La verdad que al final acabé suscribiendome, nada rarpentido, al contrario, muy satisfecho con el contenido.. y los podcasts me parecen excelentes. Esperando a que llegue miercoles para un nuevo articulo.. jeje

    El multiple choice de instagram también lo hice.. acerté de casualidad jaja

    • Muy buenas Renato. Te damos una calurosa bienvenida a nuestro blog membership. Nos alegramos mucho de que estés satisfecho con todo nuestro contenido, y en nada ya estamos en miércoles. 🙂 Muchas gracias también por participar en Instagram. Saludos 🙂

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