La preparación lo es todo

Free B1 level English Course in YouTube:

You can enjoy the learning experience for free! Click on the above link and go directly to the video content. Also, you can do some exercises in our Moodle Educational Platform. There is a link ( with every video which takes you to our website. Watch the video before you do the exercises.
Enjoy the free English course! Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel, and like the videos. 🙂

Queremos aprender inglés pero no hay control sobre lo que hacemos. Queremos aprender inglés pero apenas repasamos los apuntes. Queremos aprender inglés pero no seguimos ningún método. Queremos aprender inglés pero jamás hacemos los deberes. Queremos aprender inglés pero apenas hablamos en inglés…

Pero… ¿Qué pasaría si fuésemos alumnos de Touch English?

-tendríamos que, por obligación, seguir el método.
-tendríamos que hablar inglés en la clase “one to one” en Skype con nuestro profesor nativo y titulado.
-tendríamos que hacer deberes.
-tendríamos que hacer un examen cada mes para poder avanzar hasta el siguiente módulo.
-tendríamos que ser muy constantes y muy capaces de invertir nuestro tiempo en el aprendizaje del inglés, ¿pero cuánto? Únicamente 15 ó 20 minutos al día.

La preparación adecuada te la ofrecemos nosotros, y una vez que eres alumno, te hacemos un seguimiento absolutamente personalizado mediante un informe preparado especialmente para ti por tu profesor.

Éstos son solo algunos de los aspectos que en Touch English entendemos que suponen una formación integral a la hora de aprender inglés.

Touch English está cambiando la mentalidad española a la hora de aprender inglés… ¿No te apetece subir a bordo? :)

Latest news: 
Soon, we will be launching our Blog Membership. This will include our new Podcast which will cover all the different aspects of each article in detail, which will help you practice your listening skills, and furthermore, you can listen to the blog post itself in audio form so that you can really improve your English pronunciation, among other things. As well as that, there will be even more weekly articles and posts which will really help you improve your English vocabulary. All posts and articles will be in English and Spanish, but the Podcast is in English. One of our native and qualified English teachers will do the Podcast.

We have also added 2 Preposition courses to our Blog Membership package. For many students, trying to use prepositions of place or time correctly is a complete nightmare. So much so that, in end, everyone ends up saying «in» for everything! This is because, as usual, hardly anyone knows what they are really saying. Well, it is time to stop guessing and, instead of crossing your fingers when you use prepositions in English, you can finally begin to understand how to use them and feel confident at the same time. Can you imagine that? Remember, your objective is to understand what you are saying. Once this happens, the feeling of looking or feeling ridiculous when you speak English will be a thing of the past.

Also, you will receive information and clear explanations about Phrasal Verbs from our Phrasal Verb club with our very own method, and if that is not enough, we will also include idioms or expressions, with of course, all the usual explanations and advice so that you will use what you are learning with all the confidence in the world. You will hear all of this as well in our new Podcast which is exclusive to our Blog Membership.

Remember, when you speak English, your objective is not only to understand what you are saying but also to pronounce as many words as you can in a clear way. We want to be your English «bible», where every week, you are learning so much English with clear examples and explanations.

Finally, if the content of our Blog Membership wasn’t enough, we also give you the opportunity to solve all your ongoing problems with your English studies with our Problem Solving service. Our team of English experts are just dying to receive your queries, doubts and problems, so just leave us a message in our platform and we will get back to you ASAP.

Bye for now!

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